Thank you for choosing SelfNET inc. as your Web Hosting Service Provider - please follow the instruction below to place your credit card order online:

After clicking on the "Accept.." button below, you will be connected to our SSL-secured server to select your account features and options. Please make sure to specify the domain name you would like to use with your web server (please indicate if you already registered it). All order information will be automatically encrypted and sent via our secure communications channel for processing. Please click here to view our Privacy Notice.
Please be aware that orders submitted with incorrect postal codes, incomplete names, non-working phone numbers and anonymous or invalid E-mail addresses will be given LOW PRIORITY or simply IGNORED. Our goal is to maintain respectable business environment for all of our customers, which is difficult without knowing who we are doing business with. If you don't hear from us within 48 hours after placing your order, please give us a call to verify your order status.
Please use this link to reserve and order one of our Standard Dedicated Servers, or to submit a request for pricing quote for custom-built Dedicated Servers.
You can start your on-line order by pushing the "Accept..." button below to accept the SelfNET User Agreement, or you can review the User Agreement by pressing the "Read.." button below: