
+1 (614) 226-7353info@selfnet.com


SelfNET inc. Usage Policy: Professional, "Strictly Business" Environment

SelfNET Service Usage Policies

In order to provide a high class, professional service, we established a few guidelines for users of our service. Some of these guidelines may seem strict, but they exist to ensure safe, functional, and trusted environment for our customers. Many of our competitors do not require their customers to comply with these guidelines. If any of our potential customers are unwilling or unable to comply with these guidelines, we respectfully invite them to visit one of our competitors.

We absolutely do NOT allow any of the following content to be published on a SelfNet System:

  • Any content of pornographic, sexually explicit and/or adult-only oriented nature.
  • Content of illegal nature, including copyrighted material published without proper permission obtained from the copyright owner.
  • Pirated software sites, illegal software and "hacker tools" for breaking passwords and software license keys.
  • Hate sites or content that could be reasonably considered as slanderous or libelous, including the use of explicit language.

Users posting any of the above content on their sites will have their Web and FTP services suspended. They will be contacted by SelfNET and given the opportunity to remove the content in question before having their services reinstated. A repeated offense will cause account cancellation without refund of any fees. Content that is questionable regarding any of the above criteria will be decided upon by a SelfNET representative. 

SelfNet does NOT allow unsolicited email messages sent by users of our system (also known as junk email or SPAM). Users of our system sending unsolicited email messages or using SPAM advertising will have all of their services suspended. They will then be contacted by SelfNet and informed of the suspension before having their services reinstated. A repeated offense may result in cancellation of service without refund of any fees. 

Customers caught using our systems for illegal activities, including but not limited to breaking in to remote systems, computer virus distribution, credit card fraud, theft, vandalism, threats, or violence, will have their accounts immediately cancelled without refund of any fees.

Our complete SelfNET User Agreement goes into more detail about our policies and the terms of use of our systems. All SelfNET customers must accept the terms of this agreement during the online ordering process, and comply with the terms of the agreement while using our service. You can view a copy of our user agreement by clicking here.

Failure to pay SelfNet monthly or annual service fees, if not resolved within 3 working days, will result in suspension of system access by the user. If the issue is not resolved within 5 working days, all services will be shut down and the user account will be cancelled. Re-activation of the account will require a full payment of the standard Setup Fees.

SelfNet reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. We enforce this policy to ensure a professional environment for the users of our system.

If you have any other questions or comments regarding our usage policies, please email us at policy@selfnet.com.